Unless you're a therapist or psychologist, it is not in your place to diagnose a person of the following: Antisocial Narcissistic Paranoid Drama queen Borderline Histrionic Toxic Clueless Crazy Hold up, don't come for me. I'm sure by now you will be cursing me under your breath and probably saying these are normal "words" used to describe a person's behavior. That's right, "a person's behavior," but wait a minute. You know, it is easier for us to slap a label on someone but ourselves. The above listed are the creative descriptions we use to describe someone we are frustrated by/with. What's amazing is that we always find someone who is in agreement with our statements and assessments. The truth is that labelling the other person doesn't change the person; it only creates more conflicts. While it is important to stop labelling people, it is practical to learn how to identify and label their behaviors . The distinction...