Maybe I lost it!
Maybe I lost it because, it was never mine in the first place. The more I tried to hold on to it, the eager it was to leave my hand.
How do you hold on to something that doesn’t want to be kept?

I’ve tried, I have chased, I have cried, I’ve prayed. What’s left to do?

Don’t call me careless!
You don’t know the whole story. Because you found it doesn’t make me a careless owner.

But hey, you can keep it.
There’s nothing left for me in there. I think I’m just done you know. Done with the drama, mind games, back and forth, lies, arguments and all.

Don’t blame me for giving up. There is a limit to what a person can take. I am just fed up. My heart is tired of being mended over and over.

I’m sorry" has lost its true meaning!
Just maybe you are the lucky one, who he told about my toxicity, nagging and shortcomings.

Of course he is the blameless saint, who got his heart broken by a girl who was helplessly in love with him.

You know what, he is right. I was the problem, I was the one at fault, I was the one who ghosted, I was the one who was inconsistent, I was everything bad that exceeded his deal breakers.

I take all the blame okay. I asked for too much, too much that he couldn’t give me and that led him straight to you.

Maybe you’re truly the lucky one, “the careful keeper". Who gets to experience all of his love that I begged for.

The reward for the labour of my love cost me my self pride,peace, confidence and made me feel not enough.

Judge me however you like but listen,what do you think your ex said about you?
And the circle continues✍️.

At all cost, protect your mental health!

Do you know this feeling? Let me know what your thoughts are. please leave a comment and subscribe as well😄
