
Everyone has a story, good, bad, ugly it’s still a story.

These stories make up a huge percentage of everything we are, the choices we’ve made, our wins, struggles, losses, aspirations, fears etc.

We started writing chapters of our stories beginning from our background and childhood experiences. Tales we were told formed our belief system, friends we made growing up formed a part of our history

Growing up for me was educative, fun and filled with so much love. I was taught to always create a to-do list each morning I wake up to enable me plan my day and defeat procrastination. This I still do till date.

Dad would ask for a rundown of our daily activities at the end of the day. This right here was my favorite part of the day ,so I always anticipated it.

Thinking about it now, I really do miss those days you know. When all that mattered was getting good grades at school, being of good behavior, following mom and dad everywhere, taking permission to invite a friend over, learning how to cook, unpacking our parents bags to find what they bought for us.

How time flies!

I still remember when I couldn’t wait to turn 18 so I could start making my decisions. How I begged my 18th birthday to come quickly especially in situations, dad and mom wouldn’t grant me my wish.

Little did I know that a time would come, when decisions aren’t that easy to make.

If I had super powers to see the future, I would definitely want to juggle between childhood on some days and then adulthood on the other days.πŸ˜„
Don’t blame me joor.

A popular song says adulthood na scam, I beg to disagree because it isn’t. If you tell me adulthood na bills, or adulthood na responsibility then I can relate.

Because as challenging as adulthood can be, it has its own pros and cons. Definitely not a scam. 
Which is why each time I hear that song I just quickly do a remix in my mind. Lol

Do you agree with me?

It takes a lot to be a responsible adult, so here are some tips that can guide you.

10 Guiding Tips of becoming a Responsible Adult.

1. Be prayerful: keep God close and he will guide you.

2. Work smart: the slogan has changed from “hard work pays” to “smart work pays".

3. Gather skills: the era of social media has made it easy to make money as long as you have skills.

4. Build meaningful friendships: “follow who know road o". Drop every and any relationship that isn’t adding to your life positively.

5. Be a problem solver: be it a business you want to start or a skill you want to learn let it be geared towards solving a problem.

6. Have a checklist: this right here is your mobile parent, it stares at your face when you don’t check in. It’s a guide, create one.

7. Plan: have a plan for your life, sit your ass down and have a heart to heart discussion with self to know the way forward.

8. Have mentors: having people you look up to has a way of motivating you to either sit up or do better. Mentors can be audio or real life mentors.. ps: one of my mentors is Ben carson, I have only read him in books.

9. Read books: In all your getting grab knowledge/wisdom. It’s attractive to be smart, it pays too. Don’t become ITK- I too knowknow, it’s unattractive.

10. Don’t give up: have an accountability partner you can talk to about anything, you need it. We all need it. Because in our lowest moment we want a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Hehehehe it’s okay to cry sometimes.

Bonus tip: Breathe!

I hope with these few points of mine, I have been able to convince you and not to confuse you that adulthood no be a scam.

I am rooting for you always!

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