This was the first time my heart actually fluttered for a certain person.

Without prior notice, it devoid me of my confidence, sleep and composure .

This was a new feeling my heart was experiencing.

Without control, my thoughts wandered like Alice in the wonder land seeking for a clue to the unknown.

How can I forget?

How can I forget how invested I was in getting him to notice me.

Every of my action was geared towards getting close to this person that increased the pace at which my heart beat.

Ooh my first crush!

I think about it now and I laugh at my younger self ; 
because the charm that made him seem like my Everything has fallen off my eyes.

I can see now, clearly even!

How ordinary he is, 
without my feelings that made him extraordinary.

Just like the rest of them, now a Faded Memory.


Ije Love! journey of love!

I am rooting for you always!
Excerpts of Thoughts Behind Closed Doors ✍️.

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